I received a Microsoft virtual machine created with Virtual PC the other day with a guest OS of Windows Server 2008 SP2. The VM needed to be imported into an ESX server, and I used VMware Converter stand-alone to do the usual VMware Infrastructure conversion.
After installing the VMware Tools, I noticed that it took a very long time for the server to reboot. In looking at the Windows Device Manager, I noticed over 30 “PCI Express Standard Root Port” device conflicts. More than likely, this was carried over from the VPC virtual machine.
To fix this, you need to shut down the VM, and edit the .vmx file associated with the VM. Find the lines that say pciBridge<X>.present = “TRUE”, where <X> equals some number, and then change the value to “FALSE”.
For example:
pciBridge4.present = "TRUE"
– becomes –
pciBridge4.present = "FALSE"
After booting the VM, check Device Manager again, and the conflicts should be gone.
More information about this can be found in this VMware Communities Thread.